Thu, 10 IX87, 8:15am
+Love is greater than the pain of crucifixion - it is above the cross and from above it embraces the pain of the world.
To be there in My Love and be My Love, you must rise above the cross through the cross, because this is the only way.
I, as a Man, also had to go this route, and everyone who walks with Me goes this way.
Wed, 9 September 87, 10:45pm
- So much has been said without words, my Savior.
I spoke with tears of my heart - You with peace and love.
I would like to share all this with someone who leads me on your path...
+You share constantly - the good desires of the heart are fulfilled, although you often do not know it, neither you nor the one who receives.
I am constantly fulfilling the desires of My children, I fulfill them better than they desire and I do it discreetly. But anyone who learns the sensitivity of heart from Me sees traces of My love in its life and sees more and more of them.
And there may come a time when all these traces will unite into one luminous trail along which My Love leads them.
For so it is with those who have devoted themselves to My guidance.
Trust, My child, and do not be afraid. After all, you have surrendered yourself to My will and I am responsible for everything you do. I watch and correct your every incompetence so that evil does not creep into what you do.
- What should I write down about all this that is...?
+Write about love. About how love has no limits. That pure love - Christ's love - is greater than what is produced by a world sick with sin.
Write that great and pure love is brave and is not afraid of being misunderstood by those who do not know love and are afraid of it because their imagination is sick.
Write also that great and pure love is ready to endure every injustice and every harm, because it is greater than the possibilities of evil that wants to destroy it.
I am the Love that the world constantly crucify, and it is this crucifixion that saves the world.
If you want to love as I do, you must allow yourself to be crucified in order to save also those who crucified you.
Come to My Cross - into My arms, and you will know how poor and how worthy of compassion the world is. How worthy of pity is the one who caused you pain, how much he needs your love to free his heart from darkness.
Come - My Cross is made entirely of rays of Love, the radiance of which engulfs and dispels the darkness of this world, and penetrates hearts pained by the lack of Love.
Come - you will love, suffer and save with Me.
Mon, August 24, 87, 7:30 am
- Meditation based on Gen 22:1-19.
- Don't make me, Lord, literally put myself in the role of Abraham, because I am not able to kill anyone or cause pain consciously. I want to make a sacrifice of myself and I want You to accept it, and I will make it even if it were literally the sacrifice of Isaac.
But don't order me like You did to Abraham, because it would be like telling Mary to betray or crucify Jesus.
+I told Her to offer it to Me and I even said that a sword would pierce Her heart. She knew many things because the Holy Spirit lived fully in Her.
But apart from the act of offering in my heart, I did not demand that She had a hand in it.
I am not cruel, although I allow cruel things that your sin causes. I allow it in the name of Love, which thus frees us from evil and saves us.
The decision belonged to my Son, and He wanted it, and Mary knew it, and was with Him in this decision and in this desire.
- You know, Lord, who I am thinking about. And you know what pain it brings me to know his suffering, and you know how much I would like to take all this suffering for myself and give peace and holiness in return.
But I can't take anything or give anything because I have nothing.
+In me you have everything and whatever you ask, I fulfill. I am truly fulfilling it, although you cannot see it, because the time has not come yet. And you trust Me, even though it is sometimes difficult for you.
My child, remain in trust. I do not demand anything from anyone beyond his strength and I never harm anyone, but I always want to make them happy and I do make them happy.
The example of Abraham's sacrifice was real in those times and in those customs. With this example, I showed that I do not want such victims and I changed this cruel custom.
It was primarily a test of faith in My love and My goodness, even though the situation and facts contradicted it.
Faith must be much greater than your assessment of facts and experiences.
You must also offer and entrust to Me those you love in this way.
Your faith must be much greater than what you know and feel, knowing.
The grace is that you know, that you feel, that you can offer yourself and accept someone else's pain. Grace for you and for him. So trust me and do not ask me to reduce it, but to cleanse it, transform it, and make it capable of even greater sacrifice and pain. To even greater love born from pain.
Because here, on earth, love is born from pain, and from sacrifice great, multiplied good.
Heb 1:13b.5b
Sit at my right hand, and I will make your enemies your footstool.
You are my Son, I have begotten you today?
Sun, 23 Aug 87, 6:45am
Is 5,26-30 | Foreshadowing the Syrian invasion of Judah...
Then we will look at the earth: and behold, there is terrible darkness, the light is dimmed by clouds.
+This day hangs over you - people of the earth - and waits for My word, which it will cut off so that it falls.
Pray and run into My arms for shelter, so that the darkness does not overtake you.
Pray and believe in the power of My love. Do not look back, lest darkness swallow you up. The gaze of the heart causes the heart to connect with what it looks at - even if it doesn't want to. Through the ray of vision, what one looks at enters the heart. And it reaches him, and absorbs him, and embraces him.
Connect the eyes of your soul with Me and look at everything through Me, through My merciful love, and then you will see the world in Truth - and yourself too.
But it won't scare you. You will cry over its misery and your own misery, and you will long to go to the cross to save them and yourself. And how small this sacrifice will seem to you compared to the enormity of poverty and misfortune.
I have revealed to you what others cannot see. Accept it, keep it in your heart and support My blind children.
Wed, 19 Aug 87, 6:20am | Retreat in M .
+Keep peace and be joyful despite everything. Accept everything as an offering for your intention.
Thu, 30 Jul 87, 11:05pm
- Thank you, Christ, for this day full of tension, for Your kindness and love.
For the constant pain too. Where does it come from?
+ I am testing you, My child, you know why. Your life is love and pain. Don't be surprised at anything and don't even ask...
Accept everything. You don't belong to yourself. You are given up to pain in My arms. Cling to My Heart, there you will find the sweetness of peace. And lock My love in your heart. Now it's just for you.
- Was I at fault...?
+No, child. Don't go back to that. I fulfill your desires because they are good. And there are no mistakes. Do you believe me?
- I believe. And I want to believe, even though it may be difficult.
+It must be difficult and it will be. But don't anticipate it in your heart. Push away images and thoughts. Live for today - it's easier that way. It's not what is that makes you tired, only what you expect. Don't expect anything. Give everything and receive everything on an ongoing basis, with trust and peace. And rejoice in what is and in the fact that I am always with you, very close.
- It's going to be difficult where I'm going.
+This will be a test of your patience and gentleness.
Thu, 30 Jul 87, 9am
- Where can I escape from human envy?
+Into my arms.
Don't blame people for this, but feel sorry for them. If a person allows anger into his heart, he harms himself the most and is worthy of great compassion and mercy.
If I have given you a gentle heart, what merit is there in your gentleness?
You received it undeservedly and don't try to be proud of it.
If someone has a different heart, he must endure the evil that comes to him. And it is very painful for them. When contacting such a person, you really need to show a lot of love flowing from your gentle and merciful heart, because that's why I gave it to you.
Desire and ask - I will make you even more capable of it.
Know that just as I dwell in a merciful man, so does Satan in an envious person. And it destroys them and those who come into contact with them and are not filled with My love. They are very unhappy person, although they do not fully understand it.
You cannot fight or avoid such a person. You need to surround them with love and give it to them in order to force Satan to leave their heart. Satan leaves the soul when it is filled with Love.
You cannot run away from one, to be devoured by Satan, not only for their sake, but also for others and for yourself. Satan, who reigns supreme in a soul that is powerless against it, attacks others, including you.
Don't fight a man or run away from him. Oppose Satan by bringing My Love.
Only I can remove Satan from the human soul. Therefore, fill yourself with Me and go and spread My love and cultivate it so that where you are there will be more of it than evil.
If you also show anger, reluctance or condemnation towards a person who has hit you with the evil that is in their heart, you are letting Satan into your heart and he is doing just that, arousing hatred and the desire for revenge in you.
Then, instead of removing and reducing the evil, you increase it even more.
Instead of one Satan who was in this person, he is also in you, and together they do more and more evil, calling many more Satans to help.
This is what always happens when evil is answered with evil.
This is often the case of those who consider themselves good, My disciples, when they show reluctance and condemnation instead of love towards a person who is possessed by evil.
Evil acts must be judged and condemned, but people must be shown love and help.
You should show help and love not from the position of your own supposed superiority, but from the position of humility, humbleness , understanding and apologize if in any way you contributed to Satan entering his heart.
I have explained to you why I commanded you to love your enemies and those who harm you.
If you consider yourself to be My instrument, My collaborator - you must adopt such behavior and ask Me for the ability to do so. You must courageously remain in love and show it to those who cause you harm and pain.
The love with which I fill your heart, is also for them and I want to go to them in you.
I came into the world not to call the righteous, for they are already called, but to call sinners.
All the parables and teachings I have told about forgiveness and serving apply to such situations.
Consider this in your heart and desire to understand My love. Desire to receive it to give to those who are poor in Love.
And don't count on yourself. Give Me every situation, especially the difficult one, so that I can be your support, prudence and love.
Eph 1:8-10
Mystery of the plan of salvation
He generously poured out grace on us in the form of all wisdom and understanding, by making known to us the secrets of his will, according to his purpose... for the fulfillment of the fullness of times, to unite all things anew in Christ as the Head: things in heaven and things on earth.
+What I am saying to you is a preparation for a more perfect life in Me through understanding and desiring My love.
All the time since I called you, I have been leading you to reveal the truth about the Kingdom of My Love that is coming.
I do this so that the truth I am talking about, reaches many.
Wed, 29 Jul 87, 10:25pm
- There were too many words today. Forgive this sin of talkativeness.
+Be more prudent. It's better to say what you really need to say.
It means: what is useful and enriching for someone. It is not worth speaking just to disturb the silence or expose yourself.
Even if something is important to you, but unnecessary to someone else - you have to refrain from sharing it, because what's the point? It may bore your listeners, take up their time, and disturb their concentration on something more important.
Restraint in words is very valuable. Words should be spoken purposefully and for good.
Thinking needs to be controlled as much as words. Thoughts that do not bring anything good, should be removed and not allowed - give them to Me immediately.
Satan willingly engages in uncontrolled thinking to inspire and disturb the harmony of the soul.
It is good to give Me your thoughts and spoken words, so that I can shape them.
Do this, it will be easier for you to remain in Me.
Tue, 28 VII 87, 10:50pm
- Thank you, Christ, for the pain and love with which you filled this day.
You poured so much love into my heart that I cannot feel any resentment or dislike towards anyone. I can only love and want to help. This is Your love - in it everything can be accepted and forgiven, and any sacrifice can be made. You have extended this offering of mine to infinity.
+ I love you and fill you with Myself. I will expand your heart so that you can encompass many misfortunes, much evil and envy.
In Me there is no such thing as hatred, anger or resentment towards anyone.
There is nothing that is not love.
If you allow me to fill you, negative feelings will disappear in you too.
You simply won't be capable of them.
The Hymn of Love shows holiness and this is your program and vocation.
- You made me understand: holiness means loving without any conditions, especially those who are destroyed by evil. It means: to love and show love.
It is impossible for man, but You give such grace to those who desire it.
You transform and there is no merit on the part of man. The gift of love was given completely undeservedly.
+ In the new era, the possibility of loving will be expanded. I will enable people to love each other. Those who remain will know My Love to a greater extent than before. They will experience it and live in it.
The entire history of salvation leads to the revelation of Love. To know God - Love better and better.
Now there will be a breakthrough time: the separation of what is tainted with evil from what is pure. Those who choose evil over those who desire good.
The vow of love will open the gates of My great graces. I want to bind many people to Me with such a vow. He will create new possibilities of love.
This is My gift to My children who want to love more than they can.
Sun, 26 VII 87, 10:25pm
+I do not make anyone suffer beyond their strength. I give as much as is necessary to build. Don't be afraid of suffering, neither yours nor anyone else's.
It is very necessary and beneficial. You'll understand it someday.
I love you, My children and I desire your happiness so much.
Everything is by My will and everything is necessary for your joy in Me and for the joy of those you bring to Me.
- You stopped my prayer of tears...
+You can't go on like this all the time... Living with Me requires a wealth of forms. The prayer of tears is very exhausting - enjoy Me in a different way.
- But you seem distant...
+It seems so.
I am very close, I love you and I will not leave you even for a moment. I'm still here and looking at you. I rejoice when your heart smiles at Me.
Love is a smile and a desire for closeness. That's why I'm always with you.
Rejoice. I love you very much and I want your love.
Thu, 25 VI 87, 3pm
- You make me understand, why today, after this morning's conversation and the pain of my attempts to hide the truth about me, you gave me the Words from the Song. The words of your love - even though my face is dark because it is covered with the shadow of sin.
Other than mine is Your judgment and Your merciful justice.
+Because you see, I show the greatest love when you see the truth about yourself and when tears of repentance flow.
No one ever shed enough tears over his own sinfulness, over his own smallness and misery.
These tears are the most beautiful declaration of love and the most beautiful testimony of belonging to Me.
Then My heart is moved to the depths and streams of graces and the light of love flow.
Never cry over your suffering - cry over your misery, ingratitude and unworthiness, because they are greater than the suffering you are experiencing.
Desire the suffering and humiliation inflicted by people, so that they would throw you full of remorse and powerlessness towards yourself into My arms.
I cannot console and give gifts to a self-satisfied man who already believes he has everything. I console and give to those who are thirsty, hungry, who do not get enough, who see their misery and impotence.
I am showing you the truth about you to make you repent and to love you, to enrich you with My love. To clothe your human nakedness with My gifts.
You are the royal bride, though you are wretched and naked. I will clothe you and make you rich. I will give you everything your heart needs.
Sat, February 14, 1987, 9:15 pm| Retreat in Z. 1
+Remain before Me in silence and trust. Everything that concerns you happens by My will. And that's the task you've been given as well. Think only of Me and everything will be easy
Wed, 7 I 87, 10:30pm
+Do not be afraid of other people's suffering. It really is a boon.
My Love allows suffering to avoid much greater suffering there after death.
For suffering to have redemptive value, it must be sacrificed. You can do it for someone.
- Why am I not experiencing physical pain?
+Because you have given Me everything and are ready to accept any pain.
Sun, 16 XI 86, 11:30pm
- What happened today? Have I sinned greatly against you?
+I hid myself and allow temptations on you. You were passive. You did not succumb to them, but you did not give Me your coldness, your distraction, your impatience, which were these temptations.
-I turned out to be what I was in the beginning. I am ashamed.
That's all I know, and in specific situations my behavior doesn't change.
+You forget one thing - the most important thing: to keep talking to Me and to give Me everything.
- Will I ever learn?
+You must. I will make sure that it is.
- I am afraid that there is an increasing discrepancy between your instructions and my behavior.
+Is still the same. And the progress is that My teachings are demanding more and more. And also that your visual acuity is increasing and your conscience more sensitive.
"It would be better if I could maintain the tension of attention and love."
And yet the inner laziness is stronger.
+You only have to remember one thing: to turn to Me, without interruption, with everything. I will take care of everything else.
I know it's hard. If it were easy, every second person would be a saint.
And they are few.
Draw conclusions to make this experience edifying for you.
Fri, 14 XI 86, 9:30am
+Keep your heart burning in Me and I will show you the Truth at all times and it will free you from the addictions of the world.
And you will be in it, bearing with peace and joy the torments that the world gives you.
Before praying, I was telling you about paradoxes.
Man does not see the world that actually exists. Instead, he sees the material world, which does not really exist, because it becomes for the life of humanity. It is constantly becoming and is given to it as a place and an opportunity to make a final choice.
The senses of the body are a filter through which you see only what is needed to make a choice.
What many only perceive is like a mock-up - a scenery in which a person moves. And he should move in such a way as not to spoil the model and not to hinder the movement of others, and even to help them find the right rhythm - which is the rhythm of My Love, which is constantly creating everything.
If this movement of life is rhythmic - a harmony of good is created. If there are those who spoil this rhythm, there is disharmony, disturbances, clashes, pain.
- You can see it in contemporary art...
+A zealous and passionate soul gives earthly life the rhythm of good with great strength - it calms down the clashes, soothes, creates harmony around itself and where its intentions are directed.
In another way, I told you the same thing as in the "mosaic" The spiritual world can be seen with the eyes of the soul. Keep them open all the time and stare at this world. Gaze at Me - for in Me it exists. And this is the only real world you came out of and will return to.
It's the world you miss as you miss home when you're on the road. This longing tells you about it constantly. Trust this longing, because it was born of Love. And I am Love.
You are My real and true child, therefore you long and long and look forward to the day of return.
Acts 17:24-28
... God who created the world and everything in it. He, who is the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in man-made temples...
for He himself gives to all people life and breath and everything.... He determined the proper times and limits of their residence, so that they would seek God, if they would not find Him, as it were, in the dark.
Because, in fact, He is not far from each of us.
For in Him we live, move and have our being...
Sat, 11 X 86, 9:30am
- Here I am in front of you. Speak Lord...
+I love you, my child. I desire your good more than you yourself. For your good and your happiness, now and in the future, let Me guide you.
Give Me your will, your mind, your feelings and your hands.
I will make sure they are used wisely and well. That you will be My instrument in the world through which I will heal and save.
Your vocation is to unite your will and your soul with Me, so that we may be One.
That you think and feel as I do. And that your action in the world be My action.
Let it fill and transform everything in you.
- Let it be.
+I told you that you would share My life in the world. Be with Me with your heart as My Mother was.
I want your happiness. Only I can give it to you. Give Me everything and you will receive infinitely much more. Everything that is Mine will belong to you.
Overcome your human smallness every day. Give Me back everything that makes it difficult to stick to Me, that distracts and that hardens your heart. I know it's hard. For Me, overcome all hardships and endure everything.
Give Me this desire and this impotence.
Come into My arms. They are open and full of Love. Immerse yourself in them and rejoice.
Cling to Me, My child and stay in them. I will carry you wherever My help and My light are needed. You will act from My arms and extend a helping hand to people from them.
Take care of My Love and I will take care of everything else.
Ps 40:9-1 la1 2 8
It is my joy, my God, to do Your will, and Your law dwells within me. I have preached your righteousness in the great assembly; behold, I have not restrained my lips - Thou knowest, O Lord! I did not hide Your righteousness in the depths of my heart. I preached your faithfulness and help. I have not concealed Your grace or Your faithfulness...
+You don't have to climb to reach Me.
I came to you and I got down. I am with you here on earth among people and everyday matters.
Here are My arms lifting you so that you don't get your foot dirty in the mud of this world.
Lift others up from My arms and help them get up.
Psalm 40:1-3.171 29
I have put all my hope in the Lord; He bent down to Me and heard my cry. He rescued me from the pit of destruction and from the pool of mud...
May all who seek you rejoice and rejoice in you, and may they always say: "The Lord is great" - those who desire your help.
Wed,Oct. 29, 86, 9am
- You have compared life, Father, to laying a mosaic. It was about those who are with You. But not everyone wants to accept and arrange with You the pebbles of their life that you give.
+You thought, what about them and their picture of life.
I give everyone a set of pebbles to arrange the mosaic. There are those who reject My gifts. Then there is an empty spot in the mosaic. Life is incomplete and hence the feeling of emptiness and the pursuit of filling it. And then My adversary appears and gives his stones of a different quality, although outwardly adorned to please and resemble the right ones. But beneath that sheath they are filthy, rotten and worm-ridden and disintegrating.
It happens that a person recognizes their quality and tries to remove them. I am happy when this happens and I help you find the right ones and fix the picture of life. But if not - it may be that the whole picture will be composed of stones given by Satan and with his help. It is then very different from the one I prepared for him.
The most beautiful stones I give are the stones of sacrifice, of suffering, of hardship. These have the most brilliance, which is clearly visible when the image is unveiled after crossing the border of earthly life.
They are heavy and therefore most often rejected. It is difficult to lift them yourself and put them in the right place. And I am so willing to help and I am always there to help; to be taken from man's hands and placed where it is needed.
Great is My joy and that of My children in Heaven when someone gives Me a heavy, large stone and allows me to arrange it in the mosaic of my life.
Heaven is adorned with your images. Our common home.
Before they are placed in their place, each one cleans and polishes their picture and enter My house with it, so that it will henceforth be their home.
- And this is purgatory, where everyone has as much and such work as the dirt in the picture of their life?
+Yes, but there one has to do it themself. He knows what their image should look like, and people living on earth can be helpers if they want to remember them and show them kindness.
This kindness is like a tool, a cleansing agent that the soul can use.
- And if someone thinks unkindly?
+This makes cleaning more difficult, weakens forces, breaks down tools and the cleaning process takes longer, is more difficult.
Every pebble in the picture of life must be clean before being brought to My house where there is no dirt. Everyone who has come here, knows this and everyone wants his image to be perfectly pure and beautiful, and to please the Father.
With an image composed of satanic stones, you can never come to My house, for they cannot be cleaned.
Ze 2:3
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth, who do His commandments;
seek justice, seek humility, perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the Lord's wrath.
Tue 28 X 86, 9:30am
- How to overcome own human nature to be with You ou always and everywhere?
+One does not have to conquer one's nature, only to sanctify it. Allow for it and ask that I sanctify it in every manifestation of its existence.
Since I gave it just like that, it is your job to accept it and strive for holiness in all your human nature. Along with your weaknesses and limitations.
This daily effort and this submission to the conditions of human life must be accepted as a task given by Me. Because that's what it is in essence.
Be immersed in My Love with all that you are and in which you participate. In this way your human nature will be sanctified, everything you do and everything around you.
Be yourself, but more and more permeated with My Love and holiness.
Nothing in you should be destroyed and everything should be sanctified. Therefore, give Me everything constantly, so that I can sanctify.
You have already noticed that each thing and each situation given to Me has a different value. That it is, although seemingly the same, yet transformed by My presence in it. It is like the transubstantiation that takes place on the altar.
Your life can become one continuous sacrificial feast, during which I will transform everything into a perfect sacrifice, shared with My Sacrifice.
Look at your days and what they are filled with as one whole. All are elements of one offering that you give. A perfect gift is one that does not lack any element.
Just like in a mosaic: all the pebbles make up one picture, and the lack of one makes the picture imperfect.
Your task is to arrange a picture with the pebbles you have been given and not to lose any of them.
I want to help you with this because I know what a painting should look like. And you, depending on how much trust you have in Me, can arrange it yourself, ask for My advice, or give Me individual pebbles so that I arrange them.
Which picture do you think will be the prettiest?
Life ends when the painting is finished and nothing more can be improved in it.
Wed, July 23, 86, 3pm
- I am a sinner. What are my possibilities in the face of Your call and Your love?
+Quite simple: entrust and give Me your sinfulness and powerlessness. Surrender with peace in your heart and love for people to everything that happens to you. Don't you know that everything is from Me? When you rebel against situations, you rebel against Me. By showing impatience, even if only in the heart, to another person - you show this impatience to Me.
- You're not angry with me, Father?
+My child, after all, I love you and I want your good.
Therefore, these trials, this cross, falling and rising.
I also carried the cross and there were bumps, and it was uphill I fell and it was hard for Me to get up.
Do you understand that this was and is your human way of the cross?
But want to go. Mobilize all your forces and go to your Calvary, to the death of your corporeality, your "I", your egoism, pride...
This is the pain of your dying. But you know what's at the end.
So what does all that is now mean to the birth of a new man in you, to the resurrection of your soul in union with Me.
An effort of your will is needed, because this is the measure of your resurrection.
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