Great passages how to deal with our Lord and our brethen...
Tue, 11 X 87, 10:10pm
+Learn to use words sparingly in conversation and focus only on what is valuable.
When you talk to people, talk to Me at the same time, so that I can influence your conversation.
Learn to have a double dialogue, which will later turn into a single dialogue within Me when you allow Me to speak through you.
I will continue to send people and in them I will come to you.
Do not worry too much about the things that occupy your heart, but entrust them to Me... .
Trust in Me, trust in matters and people. Stay with them in your heart in peace and love.
- There is such a thing as the pain of separation from You, from people. Not to defeat.
+Here on earth, everything is separated, which is why there is so much unfulfilled longing and complete happiness is impossible. These are the effects of the first turning away from God - from Me.
Returning to Me means re-merging, re-uniting and feeling complete.
Then you don't miss anything, because everything is in you and in everyone because everyone and everything is in Me. There are no desires. There is the joy of fulfillment and living Love, pulsating in everyone. There is life filled with Love and full knowledge of the truth in its entirety.
Here, knowledge is partial, fragmentary, and very limited by the possibilities of the senses and reason. Hence the constant desire and drive for more and more perfect knowledge.
But it is unattainable without Me on earth, but achievable in Me and through Me.
Knowledge and love reach their fullness in Me. This is what we must trust and remain in love to survive the time of salvation from limitations and the pain of separation.
My lights of knowledge and touches of Love support - you also have to trust this and not worry too much. To love, to entrust to Me, to trust always - with regard to everything...
Mon, August 31, 87, 9am
- I would like to help people on their way to You. Give me Your power to heal souls.
+And are you not afraid of the sacrifices that will have to be made?
- I don't think so. I am asking for the opportunity to make sacrifices and for this power.
+You will receive. Before each meeting with another person, make a sacrifice of yourself and give that person to Me.
During every contact with people, pray for them, give yourself as My property and yourself as a sacrifice for them.
Always do this in union with My Mother and I will fill you with My power.
This indication of Mine also covers telephone conversations, correspondence, and even the sphere of thoughts.
The amount of power you will receive depends on your faithfulness.
Persevere in constant sacrifice and readiness for the highest sacrifice: dignity and blood. Love!
The madness of love will unleash My power that I have placed in you. I gave everyone enormous power in the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. Only love and faithfulness can activate it.
There is infinite power in love. Love, and you will be mighty, and no evil will stand against you.
Love with a fervent, tender, merciful and forgiving love. Let all the evil that people have touched you dissolve in love and disappear. Let your forgiving love be like an ocean in which every drop of human unkindness, malice and jealousy will be annihilated. Every drop of your pain.
Let everything dark cease to exist in the light of your forgiving love. There cannot be any regret or resentment in your heart or in your memory. Let everything burn in the fire of love.
Want it above all else. Desire, let My Love encompass you and fill you.
Let it overflow in you, like My Blood in the cup you saw.
Love heals and saves, because salvation was born in Love and exists in Love.
Love passionately, uncontrollably, madly. To lose yourself in Love. Deny everything that is not Love. Take the cross of pain and harm and carry it to the Mountain of Love to make a sacrifice of yourself - out of love and for Love.
My open arms are waiting for you there. There is solace, peace and infinite joy in them.
Everything is nothing compared to My love that you have, which you received from Me at the moment of My death on the cross.
Come here closer, to My cross, so that you can draw from My open Heart. This is the place of your saturation and the power with which I want to fill you and awaken you. This is the place of your resurrection.
Come close and hug My Heart and absorb My Love which is your life.
Fri, August 21, 87, 1:50pm
- Today, Lord, I was considering the fact that You came to the Apostles on the water and that Peter drowned because he doubted.
+He did not so much despair, but turned his eyes away from Me, and his hearing was not attentive to Me, when the sound of the storm reached him.
You see, My child, he was not focused and listening enough to Me, because he did not love Me enough. Love causes you to focus all your attention and cling with all your heart, so that nothing from the outside reaches you, so that you don't see or hear anything except your beloved.
The loving trembling of the heart closes the entire external world and opens the entire spiritual world, where the soul meets its Spouse and is immersed in Him.
In such a state, Satan is completely powerless, because his efforts to distract, scare and himself are simply unnoticed.
This state of soul ensures complete freedom - nothing that is not Me has access to your joy of union with Me.
- What should I do to be able to love like that?
+Fulfill My will and stay with Me.
Fulfill your will in the smallest things, stubbornly stick to Me, even in the face of external adversities, and desire My Love.
All this is contained in the virtues: faith, hope and love.
Give your heart with confidence and I will fill it with pure love.
And be patient and always ready to receive your Spouse.
I like to come unexpectedly. Watch with hope of meeting.
Fri, August 21, 87, 6:30am
- I can't help resisting to point out to people when they don't follow the discipline.
+You can, but only if there is no reluctance or condemnation in you.
You have to do it out of love for them, to help them, not because they bother you.
You should have a pure heart, full of forgiving love, regardless of their behavior or reactions.
Tue, 17 III 87, 10:55am
- What should I pay attention to the most when following You?
+For inner silence, so that nothing drowns out My voice.
Tue, 20 January 87, 9:45am
+ I am Love. My nature is Love and My desire is to love.
That is why I created you humans: weak, powerless beings - in need of My Love.
I want to give you everything. You just open your hearts and take. The more you take, the greater My joy will be.
I have so much to give - come to Me, all of you. I desire to purify and sanctify you - My beloved children, born of Love and for Love.
My Love is unlimited and will never end. Everything: the whole world and each of you breathes My Love and exists because of it.
My Love is life. Your life is My Love within you.
Contemplate My Love and adore in your own soul and in the souls of your brothers. The Holy Sacrament of Love is deposited in each of you.
There is a sacred place deep within your soul: the Monstrance where I am alive and true.
From there I speak to you, there you feel My presence in moments of recollection. From there I embrace you and feed your heart.
Let Me come out of the Monstrance of your soul - consume you completely and transform you so that you become the Monstrance: your body, your mind, your heart. That everything is available and that I fill everything with Me.
And then I will transform you into a sacrificial Host to place you on the altar of the world.
Let your life become a holy and perfect sacrifice, so that together with Me you may offer it to God the Father out of love for your brothers who are weak and unable to love.
- What can I do?
+You will be the Host - passive, in the hands of the Priest. I am the Priest and I am celebrating the Holy Mass of your life.
Cling to Me completely. And don't think anything and don't say anything - absorb the Love. Listen to how My Love pulsates within you - listen and see. This is contemplation - this is prayer. This is a conversation with Me.
This is the permeation of My Love - this is transubstantiation so that we become One.
- Is it possible?
+Totally possible and completely simple - like the word fiat.
Ezra 8:28-29a | The last preparations ...
«You are consecrated to the Lord and these utensils are consecrated, and this silver and gold is a donation to the Lord, the God of our fathers.
Guard it diligently »...
Fri, 10 X 86, 1:30 pm
- Thank you, Jesus, for Your tangible presence. Great is Your grace and goodness.
Man also wants to touch you with his senses.
+However, the value of faith consists in trusting My word and fulfilling it, despite the lack of confirmation by the senses. And to strive for spiritual union.
Do not crave sensual sensations - they are needed when faith is wavering or absent.
You don't need them anymore. Unite with Me in your soul. In it, cherish My Love so that it is not abandoned and forgotten for a moment.
Deepening contact with Me should take place both through loving service to people, as well as in silence and solitude.
You have to keep the right proportion.
- I give you my heart - fill it with love for people.
+Ask for it persistently and desire it constantly.
Avoid judging people, especially one-sidedly. Try to see their advantages. See in them the traces of My Love that created them.
Look for Me in them, surround Me with merciful, understanding and patient love - always ready to help.
Be for them what I am for you. Give them back what you receive from Me and I will give you more and more. The more you give away, the more you will have. The more you keep, the less you will have.
Talk about Me in a simple and ordinary way. Share what you know, what you experience in coexistence with Me. Not only to people who know Me. Such a testimony is more needed by those who are far from Me.
Show Me to them. Show in your daily life. Say, what I do.
- What should evangelization look like?
+Evangelism is not a grand action. They are as well, but it is much more important to evangelize daily by witnessing to Me everywhere, to everyone, (...) in every way.
You should be the Gospel, because the truth about Me is deposited in you.
Don't hide it, don't keep it to yourself. Or only for some selected children of Mine.
I have given you the truth about Myself, so that you can pass it on and show it to everyone.
To illuminate the darkness of the world and warm its coldness.
Love for one's neighbor is not emotionality and tenderness, it is, above all, help. It is caring for their salvation, it is pouring comfort into their hearts and kindling their faith. It is discovering My Love in their aching hearts. It is showing them that I am in their souls and I want them to see Me there and share with Me their worries, their suffering, their joy. Let them help themselves.
Each of you, My chosen ones, should be My Gospel in the world.
For this I have chosen you, and for this I am sending you.
Go before Me and carry My Gospel, like a lamp that illuminates and shows the way.
Thu, September 4, 86, 10am
- During the prayer I got involved in the analysis of the value of life - what is its positive value and in the analysis of sin.
Is it time wasted? I was returning to the events and facts from my own life regarding the relationship with another human being.
+ If you are only replying events or if you have resentments and regrets, that would be wrong.
If you draw conclusions that enrich you and discover the truth about a person and about yourself - that's good.
Everything in your life was for this very purpose. If you didn't understand it then, well, if you understand it now. All life is a lesson in preparation for living with Me. You need to learn from this lesson and change your life under the influence of this learning. Change life with yourself into cohabitation with Me.
Intercourse with Me will not be replaced by intercourse with another human being. So many mistakes and disappointments. The more you expect from intercourse with another person, the greater the disappointment and pain.
In every vocation there is a cross that must be carried along the way of the cross. And in fact, you have to carry it yourself and rise from falls surrounded by passive observers.
The real Helper is I, not another man, although I can use another man. Simon was forced to carry My cross and it was not his merit that he did so.
Life is similar, although sometimes there will be Weronika who will wipe your face.
The way to Me - which is life - is like My Way of the Cross :
in solitude, indifference of the surroundings with painful falls towards passive spectators. In increasing effort and fatigue.
And the greatest pain and abandonment awaits at the end. And that pain is caused by people.
Also those for whom you have done a lot, because now they are not with you.
+This is the picture of human life. It is an image of My Way of the Cross in its multiple meanings. A test that must be passed both physically, and spiritually.
It is the will and perseverance that counts, despite everything that is going on around you and what is happening to your body and how much your soul is suffering.
Because only the goal matters: union with Me - Infinite Love.
You are made for love and this is the main desire and need of your life.
Woe to you, however, if you locate this desire and this need in the other person, in things, in your own ambitions.
Then, the more successful you are in the eyes of the world, the greater is your failure.
Think, where in your own way of the cross you are, how you behave, what your feelings look like.
Compare... are we very different?
Sun, 17 VIII 86, 7am
- Yesterday I made a mistake...
+You were forgiven because you repented.
- Why did I do it?
+So that you control your impulses in your statements more and do not show off your brilliance.
Not everything that a man knows and can, should immediately demonstrate to others. It can embarrass and close someone, or even cause a complex, or offend.
Excessive brilliance and showing off of some is the cause of excessive inhibition and timidity of others.
- Whose tendency do I have to show off, or is it the latter?
+And one and the other, depending on the environment.
Sometimes you want to dominate those you can.
Shyness seizes you in front of those who are stronger than you in this regard.
+The motive for this attitude is excessive self-love. Once to renew it, another time to avoid embarrassment.
You are being overly sensitive in this regard.
- What to do to change it?
+Don't think about yourself and care less about what others think of you. What I think about you is important. And I know everything anyway, no matter what your advantage or disadvantage your surroundings noticed at a given moment.
So be quite natural and open.
The motive for dealing with people should be love for them - or at least kindness. Recognition of their sensitivity and possibilities.
So kindness should be followed by patience, gentleness, understanding, and helpfulness.
- Do I miss a lot?
+Compared to others, maybe not much. But such comparisons should not be made. You shouldn't judge yourself by comparing yourself to others.
The point of reference - the right one - are My gifts that I have placed in you and the opportunities that I am creating for you.
Reflect on this and examine how you use it all to serve others; to shape your attitude towards people, towards yourself, towards Me.
I have given you the unique gift of talking to Me. You can ask about anything, give advice.
To what extent do you use it to build good in yourself and in others?
- I don't know. But I feel guilty...
+Replace it with service to others at every opportunity. To recognize their needs and provide assistance.
Thu, August 14, 86, 6am
+ I want you to look at everything through My eyes. I want to teach you the right judgments and the compassion, understanding and willingness to help that springs from this, without imposing yourself, without imposing your tastes, views, supposed virtues.
- In fact, we are all tainted by pride and vanity.
Meetings of people are like a market where everyone wants to be noticed.
They push themselfs among others with their statements to focus attention on themselfs.
This is done by the vast majority, regardless of the position they occupy in the group. Everyone wants to be higher in the eyes of others - than they are. So do those who have large and noticeable values.
Why? Is there some pain in each of us, some insufficiency of love and self-esteem?
Do those who do not show off also crave admiration and appreciation, but are they too weak to push themselves among the stronger ones?
+This is the stain of original sin - the desire to be important, more important than others. Applause, domination, admiration, subordination of others.
You have it too, although you don't like to push it.
This vice is the root of all evil. Satan builds on it, because it is the greatest weakness of man.
Everyone sees himself much better, than he is, and that is not enough for him either. He also wants confirmation by others, through admiration, submission, imitation, etc.
I showed you a part of the truth about you so that you can see yourself better. To be more demanding of yourself and more understanding towards others.
- How far be lenient towards others?
+Much more than towards yourself. But you have to expose their flaws to them.
Out of love - to help them notice them and, consequently, fight them.
Hebrews 1:14
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to help those who are to inherit salvation?
+My little, poor children, if you wanted to know how much I love and respect you despite your smallness, you would not be chasing the admiration of people as small, as you and only looking for their own values in the eyes of others as well as uou.
You are My children, My Kingdom belongs to you. Why do you pursue the delusion and lies of what the world has?
Why do you want to seek validation from others who lie to you to please you?
Do you still not know who you are and who your Father is?
Despite your smallness and your sinfulness, the dignity of God's children is deposited in you.
Why to posture in front of the mirror when it's enough to be yourself.
Why to show off to oneself when each of you has the authentic values I have placed in you.
Discover them in front of you and respect them. These are My gifts with which I have endowed everyone.
They are great and you don't need to add anything to them. It is enough to be natural and modest, and the greatness of God's children will speak for itself through you.
And it will speak of Me who has given you everything you need.
Stand in the truth and notice it.
You are wretched and small, but you have My greatness within you.
Don't diminish it by making a pretense of yourself. Believe it within your own heart. Feel whole, accepted and loved.
I created you like this for life with Me and I gave you abundantly.
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