Thursday, November 2, 2023



Mon, 1 II 88, 9:30am

+Your misery is less than My holiness. Therefore I can transform and sanctify it. And I do this whenever your heart desires and loves Me.

 Enjoy My Love. I want to transform you constantly, until you reach the Radiance of My Glory. Then I will call you to the Cross and then we will be together forever.

 My arms on the Cross are waiting for you. The fullness of Love will begin there.

 I am calling you and giving you signs of My pain. Come, My bride.

 Eph 3:1-4 

Therefore I am Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles... because you have heard of God's grace given to me for you, that this mystery was made known to me by revelation, which I have briefly described before.

 Therefore, by reading you can see for yourself my understanding of the mystery of Christ.


Sat, 30 1 88, 3:15pm

 Eph 5,15-17

 Therefore, watch carefully how you walk... Seize the opportunity, for the days are evil... Try to understand what the will of the Lord is.

+My will is to follow Me without regard to anything or even to My children. Going with closed eyes, with the same trust and love, into spousal raptures and into the cold of loneliness.

  The only important thing is to fulfill My will, which is given at every moment. This is pure love and true faith in My power and My Love.

 My greatest expression of grace is when I share My pain.

 Adore Me in the sign of My suffering that I have given you.

 And trust, My bride, because I will come to free you and carry you to the cross as a sacrifice of Pure Love.


 Fri 29 1 88, 10:30am

 Lk 1,46-49 | Magnificat

 Then Mary said:

 «My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

 For He has considered the lowliness of his handmaid.

 For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Almighty has done great things for me. Holy is His Name...».


 Thu, 28 I 88, 11pm

Rom 8,28-30.31

 We also know that God works in all things for their good with those who love Him. With those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son...

 And those whom He predestined, them He also called; and those He called, them He also justified; and those he justified, them He also glorified.

 Hymn of Gratitude

So what do we say to that? If God is for us, who can be against us?



Wed, 2 7 1 88, 9:20am

- Why are you apparently touching my right hand?

+Because with this hand you place the sign of My cross on yourself and with this hand you extend to another person when I come to you in them.

 I am in what is right in man - in the broad sense of the word - which is completely subject to My Law.

 Let everything in you be right, pure and holy, so that I can impress the signs of My holiness on your soul and body.

 Desire - I want to give you a lot. You are my testimony.

 - In this ordinary life of mine?

+Right there.

 I want to show that I want to be and I am in a person: in their banal everyday life in the world. That everything should and can be holy through perfect unity with Me. That every moment can be full of order, peace and Love if it is submitted to My will.

 That you can live in the Kingdom of God, while being here on earth and living an ordinary, gray life. That the Kingdom of God is in the heart and the rest is added.

 Give Me your soul and body, because My desire is to dwell fully in you. And really believe it.

 My Love has no limits. I want to pour it out and fill it for those who want it. I want and desire to pour it on every person - on every child of Mine.

 This is why I came to you in this world and this is why I went to the cross, to pour out My Blood and My Love.

 Want it and take it. And be filled, washed in My Blood and nourished with My Love. Let it transform you and sanctify you. Let me be your life and your righteousness in you.

 1 Tim 4,12b-16

Be an example to the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity! Until I come, apply yourself to reading, encouraging, learning.

 Do not neglect the charism that was given to you through prophecy and the laying on of hands...

 Practice these things, dedicate yourself completely to them, so that your progress will be visible to everyone. Take care of yourself and your teachings, stick to them! For by doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.


Mon, 25 1 88, 11:05pm

- No Words...

+There is simply Love.

 - ..and a sign of the pain of Your Wounds.



Mon, 25 1 88, 10:20pm

- Can I remain so silently before You?

+ I like it best when the mouth is silent and the heart is burning. Ask for Love to set your heart on fire.

 - Today at noon you asked me to come to meet You in the Eucharist for the second time.

 You, the Lord and Creator of all, asked Your creation...

 You asked like a child...

+Because in a human heart I am like a child: defenseless and dependent on the will of man.

 Free will is so absolute that in his heart man can do whatever he wants with Me.

 And he does. I have given myself so much to every person.

 The reality shown to the world was this at the moment of his capture and thereafter until his death on the cross. But also the reality shown to the world was My human childhood: complete dependence on the will of the Mother from the moment of conception for thirty years.

 I am still such a defenseless Child waiting for your warmth and love in your heart. And I want you to be like My Mother to Me: tender, caring, caring, showing love. Always remembering Me and sensitive to My voice.

 Turn to My Mother - She will teach you.

 My human childhood also has one more meaning: it is an example for you, humans, of what you should be like towards God - towards Me.

 Your dependence on Me is like a child's dependence on its mother from the moment of conception in her womb.

 I want you to be so dependent on Me, so connected to Me. Not even like a baby, but like an embryo that lives the mother's life in every respect.

 This is indeed the case, and that is why the most perfect act of man on earth, is to surrender his will completely to Me. Give it constantly in an act of the purest love.

 Be a mother to Me in your heart and at the same time a child in My Heart. This is the unity of perfect and pure Love.

 In this way we are One: I in you and you in Me.

 I surrender myself completely to you and you to Me.

 This devotion of yours gives rise to great power, because I am putting everything that is Mine at your disposal. Then you can do what I do: move mountains, walk on water, raise the dead.

 This is what those who trusted Me to the end and surrendered themselves completely to My will did. This possibility is open to every person.

 For this to happen, you must also fully believe in your complete powerlessness and remain in the perfect humility of a child.

 The path of childhood makes man strong with My power.


 Mon, 25 1 88, 9:15am

 - I am asking for Your Love - not to have it, but to give it.

+Ask and it will be given to you.

 By filling yourself with Love, you fill yourself with Me.

 I want people to recognize Me in you, so that when they are with you, they feel that they are with Me.

 Let it be so.

 - I do not let?

+When you are silent in your heart towards Me, you do not allow me, because you are guided by your will.

 When you invite Me to participate in a meeting, in a conversation - then I can act through you: speak, show love, support.

 Every person you meet is sent by Me and needs to meet Me in you, not you alone. Know this and remember it.

 You see how many opportunities you lost to let Me meet people.


 And at the same time, I am in every person who comes. I am in every person I meet. In every!

 I am in everyone and that is why we must unite in Love, unite in mutual goodness, forgive and do good to our "enemies". In this way, My torn Body heals and scar heals to become One again, as before the first sin.

 The first sin was the first departure from Me, the first separation and mutilation of Love. And from then on, Love is constantly wounded, torn apart, destroyed until it turns into the greatest dirt and evil. Promiscuity, anger and selfishness are the opposite of love, although the word "love" is often used as a name for them.

 What is most holy, which is Me, has been most defiled, just as My body was before the crucifixion.

 How many people today know what love is? How many associate it with goodness and purity?

 My Name: Love is used to designate the greatest filth that makes people less worthy than animals.

 I want to collect My children, heal them, unite them in My Love - in Me. I want everyone to be One in My Spirit.

 I don't have better or worse children - they are all the same.

 They differ only in the wounds that Love has inflicted on them.

 These wounds are My wounds. It is I who suffer and die in them, and I am waiting for help and mercy.

 How much My pain increases when My chosen and abundantly gifted child turns away from Me wounded in another person, when it appropriates My Love in itself and turns it into selfishness, pride and vanity.

 Then it kills Me and abuses Me even more than the one in whom I was waiting for mercy.

 Ask for Love and trust in the Love, serve the Love. I have called you to the service of Love - to My service in truth and purity. I want to be in you and love you - I: Crucified and Risen Love.

  And I am, and I am giving you a sign of the pain of My Wounds, so that you will always know and feel that I am inside you.

 Col 4:17b 

Be careful to fulfill the ministry you have received from the Lord.

 - Still the same words...

+The grace I give, is an obligation.

 So do not be moved by My grace and do not embarrass yourself or feel unworthy.

 But mobilize all the strength you can to remain faithful in remaining in Me and in the service that this grace assigns.

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