Sat, 23 I 83, 11:45am
- Thank You for the grace of purification and your pain.
+Don't think about it. Think of Me, of My gaze upon you.
- What should I do with Your Words for others?
+Tell them.
- What if someone forbids it?
+Give it to him. Then he will be responsible for disregarding My Voice.
- Is there anything contrary to the official teaching of Your Church?
+She is not quite mine. There is too much human narrowness in it that I want to burst.
I aroused a charismatic movement and poured out My Spirit even on the smallest of My children in order to break the shell of forms and patterns and reveal a living heart of love.
I want love, not rituals and learned discourses .
I desire sacrifice, not solemn ceremonies and decorations.
Be my living children, sensitive to My voice, My tenderness and My pain.
Did I not give birth to you so that Love might be in you?
Thu, 2 1 1 88, 9:30am
- There is emptiness and a sense of the senselessness of prayer. Everything is sore: soul and body. It would be good to fall asleep and not participate in anything.
+This is not possible. Your mouth, your mind, your heart must be full of gratitude and adoration. Otherwise, Satan will force doubt, rebellion and blasphemy upon you.
Beware, call for help, mobilize your will and desire.
I want you to give your all, and what's more belongs to me, who am and watch over you. Persevere by willpower, perform your duties.
Therefore, I, a prisoner in the Lord, encourage you to walk in a way worthy of the vocation with which you have been called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.
Strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace...
There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. There is one God and Father of all, who is and works over all, through all and in all.
Wed, 20 Jan 88, 9:30am
- How comfortable is the normalized monastic life, where everything is known and where all you have to do is surrender.
Mary, lead me through this darkness of prayer and faith.
There is no tabernacle, no choir to join, no agenda and no assigned duties. There is nothing permanent to stand on. Everything is fluid.
+I will answer you because your feeling is superficial.
The tabernacle is in your heart.
You are surrounded by a choir of angels with whom you can always pray together.
I set the agenda for you once, and I assign responsibilities on a regular basis.
The norms established from the outside in a sense enslave, make us lazy, and formalize our attitude towards Me.
I want to have your heart alive, choosing My Love with an act of will from moment to moment. I want the power of love to be greater, than everyday difficulties, and your desire than all temptations of free choice.
I want you to be free until the end and loved until the end.
Your faithfulness and strength of love will grow in the fire of My touches and in the frost of darkness and abandonment, until it becomes the radiance of My glory.
- Tonight you made me understand that these notebooks need to be copied almost entirely and you said:
+ You have to do it yourself. And the title will be: Testimony.
- Great pain and great hardship will accompany this...
+But you will do it for My Love.
I gave you conditions for writing and I will give you even better ones.
- If I reveal it, I should disappear.
+ Leave it to My will. Don't think about yourself. I will guide you all the time to facilitate content selection. Do not be afraid.
2 Tim 4:17 |
But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the preaching might be fulfilled and all nations might hear... .
- You ask much of me, my Savior.
+ Rejoice - I beloved you very much. My sign of pain is a testimony to this.
Tue, 19 I 88, 10:15pm
- It seems that you are leading me into complete darkness,
+ You have to go through this. There is no other way to grow.
- And in this darkness I only encounter my own weaknesses and my sinful nature
+You must persevere, believing in My Mercy.
- If I could love you... But you see, I can't do anything
+ I love you just the way you are. In this helplessness...
Tue, 19 Jan 88, 8:15am
+Be faithful to Me in all situations of the day. Let your heart be sensitive to My Love and tender towards Me. I want to have you in My arms. Cuddle with Me with tenderness.
Titus 3:8-9 | ADVICE FOR TITUS [NIV]
This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.
+I told you this so that you wouldn't let people fool you into empty talk.
In every meeting with another person, implant My Truth in his heart and mind.
I am in you. Turn to Me when you talk, so that I can help you talk.
Mon, 18 1 88, 9am
- Yesterday I was disobedient to Your will. I can't cope with following the rules of the day and the rest, you have given me.
+Do as much as you can. So far you mostly do less out of negligence.
You want to make a great sacrifice. How will you do this if you cannot afford the effort to make small, daily sacrifices resulting from obedience to My will?
Think about it and draw your conclusions.
Your blind obedience is needed at all times, on an ongoing basis.
No reasoning is needed here, only good will and determination.
Without internal discipline, there will be no progress in your path following My call.
Do not cause Me pain with your disobedience. In your vocation it counts in a special way. It is the basis and nourishment of this vocation.
Just as the growth and development of a child's body requires food, your growth and development depends on being nourished by acts of daily obedience to My will.
The meals on the way of divine childhood are constant sacrifices of obedience with which you express your love for Me.
Luke 10,41-42a | MARTHA AND MARIA
And the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and anxious about many things, but only one thing is needed.
Sun, 17 I 88, 11:25pm
+You do not need to be afraid of Love, but to be filled with it by fulfilling My will.
Beware of falls, even those that are like a speck of dust, so that they do not turn your heart, which I created pure, gray. Keep your heart white with love, faithfulness and obedience to Me.
Do not give in to the weaknesses of the body, because this is where many evils begin.
Sun, 17 I 88, 9:30am
- Whose can I write what is, what you do and say? Should I?
+Write. The certificate must be complete.
I am in you and I transform your soul and I transform your body.
That's why you love like I do and suffer like I do. You feel My love and My pain. You feel with your soul and body.
You learn the sign of union - its gentle touches - before you are able to accept the enormity of this grace.
- To accept such a grace fully would be to cross the line...
+Life used properly means filling oneself with Me until complete fulfillment - until the transformation of existence into perfect existence in Me.
Every person has such a task and such a perspective before him.
And the method proposed by Me is the most effective, which is vocation. Any vocation - in any condition.
Purgatory exists to repair what has been neglected along the way of life. It is a gift of My grace and Love. It is Mercy that allows those who want it when crossing the border to return to the fullness of joy in Me.
Evangelical life - in My grace and Love - leads directly into My arms.
Those who share My pain and My Love in union with Me do not need purgatory. A constant transformation takes place in them and I am the one who offers their lives as an offering to the Father. In their soul I offer it as Priest and Victim at the same time. They are consecrated by Me - My holiness is their holiness. And their everyday life and every day is the Holy Mass lasting until the last moment of life on earth. We are One in God the Father.
Fri, 15 I 88, 11:30pm
- This wall of dryness in which I am stuck cannot be broken.
I give You my distractions, absent-mindedness, incompetence, dryness of heart.
I have nothing else...
+That's all I want. Give back what you have, who you are. I want to take this to attract you, to transform you.
I love you, My child, I am here, I am holding your hand and you feel My touch, My mutilated hand.
I am in you so much, so truly. Even though I'm covered, I'm here. You feel it with your body, although I have covered your heart with dryness.
Persevere in the effort of unification with consciousness and power of will. Your effort, your determination, your call are needed.
Love Me in yourself, adore Me, thank Me. You cease to be you - I am.
Although hidden, but true - as in the Host.
Fri, 15 I 88, 8:50am
+I created and called you to great unity with Me. Let Me lead you to this.
- There are moments when it seems to me that I am approaching the border where there is only You - Light and Love, and where it is impossible to enter in the body.
+Learn to abandon your carnality. The body is only a means you have received to follow the human path of purification and opting for Love.
Conscious choice of Love takes place only while living in the body and that's why I gave it, as a chance, which is a gift of Love for you. The body itself has no value. Treat them as a means: everything - what is corporeal and the entire material world. Do this only to the extent that it makes it easier for you to immerse yourself in Love - deeper and deeper - without any end or stopping until you cross the border beyond which there is only Me.
Help others get to know Me and themselves and the path that leads to Me: from fulfilling the Law to blindly throwing yourself into My arms out of love.
Do not sleep. Your life must be intense, with full mobilization of the forces of your soul.
The rest of your soul will be Me - only and exclusively.
Col 4:17b
Be careful to fulfill the ministry you have received from the Lord.
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