Monday, November 6, 2023



Mon,  22 February 88, 10:45pm

 - Since meeting my spiritual father, I can almost feel Your Wounds - clearly.

 There is sweetness and peace and a huge longing for You and You in it.

 I would like what You do in me, to be an authentication of his charisma - Your power in him.

+It is because he is your spiritual father and I used him to influence you.


 Mon, February 22, 88, 9:30am

 - Jesus, I am asking You for the great pain of co-offering.

+And won't you be proud?

 - I don't want to be proud.  I want silence of heart and self-forgetfulness.  Teach me this, don't let me...

+My Mother will teach you.  She, as a Human, was the Master of this.

 I bless you on this path.  I chose it for you and it is your calling.



 Sun, 21 Feb 88, 8am

+I lead you along the Way of My Mother, therefore your suffering is the suffering of others, especially those you love the most, and the lonelines created by My mystery in you.  And it will grow - you are a painful mother.

 Gal 6:17 

From now on, let no one cause me any trouble, for I bear scars on my body, the mark of belonging to Jesus.


 Sat, 20 II88, 11:30pm

2 Tim 4,16-17 

... They all abandoned me... But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me...

 - Everyone actually abandoned me.  But You, Jesus, are in me in Your pain, which becomes no longer a sign, but a reality.

 Pain in the body and pain in the soul - suffering with a sense of abandonment and loneliness.

+If you are nailed to the cross, you are also lonely.  Each one is nailed to the cross separately and is there alone, although he is in Me.


 Fri  February 19, 88, 10am 

- After returning from my spiritual father, there remained human pain in your heart and increased pain in your hands and feet.

+Don't write anything else.  Your heart and your body are crucified.  But your soul is in Me.  Remain in the silence of pain and love.

 Revelation 1:2-3 

He testifies that everything he has seen is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

 Blessed is he who reads and hears the words of the prophecy, and guard what is written in it, for the time is near.


Wed, February 17, 88, 9am |  Ash Wednesday

 Hebrews 8:10

 This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel in those days, says the Lord.  I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

 - You've been telling me about the alliance lately.

+For I will make a covenant with you in pain and in My blood.  And then you will know Me even better.  Do penance, My child, so that you may become worthy.


 Tue, 16 11 88, 10:30pm

 - There are no Your Words, Jesus.

 + There is My love - how come words,  when I am.

 Love is also silence.  It is the intoxication of the silence of a heart immersed in Me.


 Tue, 16 February 88, 7:45am


J 1,1-2.4;  2:8b 

We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard about the Word of life, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at, and what we have touched with our hands - for life has been manifested.  We have seen it, we testify about it and we proclaim to you eternal life, which was in the Father and was revealed to us.  We write this so that our joy may be complete... Because the darkness is disappearing and the true light is already shining.


 Mon, 15 11 88, 9am

+Consider, what it looks like to build a world of love in your heart.

 The world is located in your heart and there you saturate it with My light of love or the darkness of self-search.

 Stop taking care of yourself inside - take care of Me.

 Recognize Me in everything.  Support Me everywhere and surround me with love.  And ask in your soul what to do to reduce My suffering in the world you create in your heart.

 Have you already given everything and surrendered it to My light of Love?

 Is this a constant disposition of your heart?

 Revelation 19:17b-18 

Come, gather together for the great banquet of God, to devour the carcasses of kings, the carcasses of rulers, and the carcasses of mighty men, the carcasses of horses and their riders, the carcasses of all, both free and slave, small and great.


 Mon,  14 II 88, 10:15pm

+There are two paths that I lead.

 One is a path similar to My human path.  The second is the path of Mary.

 Most often, I follow the way of My Mother: - receiving everything in a given way, in the silence of the heart and lips, and in love.  Remaining in limitless trust in the Father, whatever happens.  Suffering from the suffering of others.

 Your every action is equally important to Me if you accept it for the sake of Love - for Me.  It is not important what you do, but with what intention you do it.  One can, without doing anything externally, co-decide about the fate of people and the fate of the world through the intensity of love and intention.

 The intensity of love and the purity of love offering itself in intercession is a creating and saving force.  One pure heart can save millions of souls.

 The most simple and banal works done with love are much more valuable in My eyes than wonderful deeds that impress people, also for the benefit of the Church.

 The creative and constructive force is only pure love, which has its source in Me.

 Obedience to My will, accepted with love, is the most perfect form of action.

 Obedience to superiors identified with obedience to Me is the same.

 Consider, what love and obedience look like in your heart.


Sun, 14 II 88, 9:45am

- How about today?

+ I love you, My child.

 Sir 42:9a

 A daughter is a secret night watch for her father, and caring for her keeps sleep away.


 Sat, 13 Feb 88, 9:30pm

 - Thank you, Christ, for these days in You.

+I gave them to you to strengthen you for the next stage of your life in Me.

 I gave them to you,  to quiet your heart even more and submit it to My will.

 Close your senses and follow Me blindly in loving remembrance.  There is nothing anymore, only Me and My Love, which is everywhere.

 - This is not a night of faith.  There is a brightness in which you cannot see anything because it is like fog.

 And only your touch guides.  And in it there are tears of love and the joy of pain.

 I am too primitive to feel the immensity of Your subtlety.  Will You teach me before the greatness of Your grace falls?


 Thu,  11 Feb 88, 8:40am

 • Don't cry, child, He loves you...

 - I know, but I don't love Him like I should...

 • He is constantly teaching you and rejoicing in your progress in love.

 While you are on earth, your love will still not be perfect, but it can and does get better.  The fact that you feel the imperfection of your love, should be creative and stimulate your heart's desire to love even more.

 This combination of repentance and the desire to love with all one's strength is the most perfect attitude towards the Creator and Redeemer.

 Heb 8:10 

This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel in those days, says the Lord.  I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.


Wed, February 10, 88, 9am

 - Padre Pio, I must believe in it, even though it is incomprehensible...

 • It has not been given to you to comprehend, but to be received.

 It was also hard for me to believe, even though I wanted and was ready to give everything and accept everything.  Jesus' generosity far exceeds human imagination and understanding.  Only faith and love can match it, and this is how we must accept His graces, His gifts.

 Consider this in your heart and give yourself to Him in a constant act of worship and gratitude.

 Your soul is constantly being created by God.  And you, too, do not participate in this - you participate through your heart's desire and perseverance of will - through devotion.

 Through devotion, you allow God, to shape your soul perfectly - as He desired by giving you life.

 Try to control your human reactions - and let Him guide them.

 Be more and more immersed in Him, because He wants it from you.

 - Holy Mother...

 • Rejoice, because you have been chosen among many to be a testimony of the love of Jesus - my Son.

 He wanted you when he was dying on the cross.

 Col 1:18b-20 [NIV]

He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

 - Lord, You give suffering to people who do not want to accept it and defend themselves against it.  I want it and you don't give it to me.

+I don't have to teach you how to accept suffering, because you can already do it and they can't yet.


 Tue,  9 II 88, 10:20pm

 - I want Your love, Christ, but I want Your suffering even more and more.

 You give to others, but not to me.

+ Don't be jealous.  Your desire alleviates the pain that others cause Me.

 Rejoice in the hardship and pain of everyday life.  Accept all ailments as a gift of My spousal love, because I share with you what is most precious.

 Everything you feel is anointed with the blood of My Wounds and My love.  Accept it in the silence of your heart and remain with Me just as My Mother did.  Learn from Her the most beautiful Love that a person is capable of.

 - I don't know, if my prayers are what you want.

+After all, your days turn into constant prayer.  That is why there is no such clear boundary between the time devoted to prayer and other matters.

 Your prayer enters life and therefore life also enters prayer.

 I participate in everything in which your body and your soul participate.

 You received the sign of pain that you asked for to make it easier for you to remain in Me constantly - to remain consciously.

 I remind you of My presence in you because this is what your heart desires.

 - I don't know anything, only this desire for your pain is the compass of my life now.

 So much has changed since you touched this sign

+That's why I gave it to you.

 - Is there anything left to say?

+ I love you - only this and always this.


 Tue, February 9, 88, 8:30am

 - I feel Your Love and Your pain more and more, and I hear less and less the Words revealing Your will to me.

 Your suffering Love embraces me and everything dissolves in it, as in fog.

 There remains enormous compassion and the desire for sacrifice.

 I know nothing and can do nothing but love and suffer with You, Christ.

+This is what I want from you and nothing more.

 - What about the people I am obliged to help?

+ Leave it to Me.

 Remain in Me, My child and do not ask about anything.  It's better for you.

 Trust and be at peace.  I will do everything in you and through you - everything that is necessary and what is best.

 - I was asked for Your Word for Your children.

+ I love them and care for them very much.  My caring and blessing hand is constantly watching over them - in their daily toil and loneliness.

 My dear daughters, do not desire pleasure and contentment.

 Are you not children of Love that offers itself to the end?

 Don't expect payment, just want to support, lift, save.

 Ask for Merciful Love, ask and hunger for it with all your strength, without ceasing.  I will give to you and through you I will pour out to many.

 Your life is a sacrifice of yourself, giving yourself up to the end in the daily crucifixion of your heart.

 Crucifixion of the heart is loneliness in the world for which you give your life.  Your suffering is a sign that I have accepted this sacrifice, that I take it and turn it into love and salvation for many.  It is a sign that I loved you, that I hold you close to My aching heart.

 You feel My pain, My loneliness, My misunderstanding.  I share with you these treasures of Mine that I keep for My chosen ones - for the children born of My Blood on the Cross of Sorrows.

 Caress Me, who is suffering and in pain.  Cover Me with your tenderness, care for my wounds, welcome Me with a smile of your heart.  I am in your hearts.  In the heart of every person, I am always thirsty for more and more love.

 Rom 10:17 

Therefore faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard is the word of Christ.


 Mon,  8 Feb 88, 9:20am

 - Constant distractions are a torment.  Is my heart really in Yours, since so much has access to it?

+ I constantly clean it and remove what is unnecessary.  I delete without interruption.  Don't be discouraged or sad by anything.  Always give Me everything.

 I want to take it.

 You give Me all this dirt, and I will give you cleanliness.

 Luke 21:3 | 

 The widow found a penny

... and said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the rest."

+Do not try to give Me what is beautiful and pure in you, because that is Mine anyway, but precisely all the misery, evil and weaknesses.  This is yours and give it to Me with chalange and toil - faithfully and persistently.  

 Don't be ashamed of it, just give it with unlimited confidence.  Don't hold anything back even for a moment, just give it back, before you get dirty with it, before it soaks into your heart.

 It does not make you dirty to pass on these impurities.  It's dirty to keep them.

 Your humanity is constantly exposed to dirt: the contamination of the original, the dirt of the world, the dirt of Satan.

 It's not your fault that it keeps showing up in you even though you don't want it to.  Your guilt is holding on, giving in, hiding it from Me.  The shame that prompts this is a temptation - a Satanic whisper.

 Your heart should be like glass before Me - like a glass vessel.

 You clean this glass with your trust and sincerity, so that everything inside is constantly visible.  So that I can see every speck of dust and remove it immediately.

 Purity of heart does not mean that you do not allow any contamination into it - because you do not have such power over your heart - purity of heart means that you make it available to Me, that you allow and ask me constantly to cleanse it, to dispose of it according to  My will.

 I have the power to cleanse hearts and only I can do it and I want to do it.

 How wrong are those who think that whatever they do on their own and come to Me they will be clean.


 Mon, 7 11 88, 10:15pm

- What the hands touched... They touch every day and there is a touch of Your Wounds in them, Christ.

+Accept it with love and silence in your heart even though My fire burns in you.

 - Today there was a temptation to give in to resentment that turned into anger towards people.  And it started with doubts about someone's intentions.

 Thank You, Jesus, for taking it away immediately when I gave it to You.

+You have to give everything without a break, to protect yourself from satanic temptations .

 Carry in your heart My gaze full of love and pain - it will transform you into Me.

 Wear them as you wear the touch of My hands.

 There is nothing yours in you - everything is Mine.  Live in awareness of it, enjoy it.

 - You pour so much sweetness on me...

+I want to set your heart on fire.  I want you to be a living torch of My Love.

 - And there is so much subtlety in all this, Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart be like that too.

+There will be one heart, although there are two, and you will encompass everything in it, and everything will fit in it.

 - I would very much like what you say, to also be for someone with whom You have bound me with Your Love.

 + It's like this all the time, don't you notice?

 With these same words I touch your hearts - each in its own way.

 The words I speak,  are only an external sign of what I pour into heart, what I do in soul.

 I use many signs to speak - My speech to My children is rich.  In each of My Words, in each sign there is the entire depth of My Love that I want to give, fill and satiate.

 Everything I do, speaks of My enormous, infinite Love, which will endure, forgive and embrace everything.

 In Me is everything that the human heart desires and waits for.


 Sun, 7 Feb 88, 8:50am

- Sharing life with You is so rich.  What c

to write down?

+I love you, my little one.  I love you so much.

 Stay cuddled up to Me all the time.  Give Me your heart so that I can penetrate it, transform it - make it My Heart pierced for the sins of the world.

 I love you and I want from you exclusive, crazy love - to lose yourself in Me Crucified - in My Love, in My pain.

 You are a testimony of My Love.

 1J l,l-2a 

We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard about the Word of life, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at, and what we have touched with our hands - for life has been manifested.

 We have seen it and we testify about it...


Sat, 6 February 88, 10pm

 - Save me, Jesus, from unnecessary thoughts - from preoccupation with myself.

 I am afraid of the enormity of Your grace: that I may accept it, that I may not waste it.

+Silence your heart, I am Love and I am with you.

 I am suffering Love and I am in you - that is why you feel.

 Accept it in the silence of your heart and abide in Me.  This is the beginning.  I will prepare you for what comes next.

 Love Me with all your strength.  Give Me everything so that I can give You Myself with My Love and My Pain.

 Be joyful and quiet - all in Me.

 - Whose courage will I have to talk about this?

+Only to him - he is your spiritual father - must know everything.

 No one else.

 - What should I do towards You?

+Cry for love - it will bring you relief.

 Accept My Love with everything I want to give you.

 - I am ashamed of my unworthiness.

+ Accept your human littleness and My holiness that I give you.

 Everything is My gift of Love and is good for you.

 Accept everything and ponder it in your heart.  Caress Me and enjoy Me who am in you.

 Do not withhold My graces.  I love you.

 - Jesus' coming is dying in His arms out of love.  What was that?

+ Ecstasy.


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