Thu, April 20, 89, 10:40pm
- So much pain in connection with Your Word...
+I wanted My Word to spread everywhere, because this is the need of the time that is coming.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him. The temple of God is holy, and you are holy.
Thu, 20 April 89, 9:10am
+If you want to favor someone with heaven, you must absorb the hell that affects him.
Evil exists is real and only the sacrifice of love can diminish it.
From the great sacrifice comes the greatness of annihilating evil. To do much good, you must accept much evil.
The evil you accept, is expressed in the pain that affects you.
If the love in you is greater than the pain - you save, as I saved through My Sacrifice of Love from Myself.
Tue, 18 Apr 89, 9:50am
+I have accepted from you the gift of your dignity - your good name - and great good will grow from the soil of this gift.
Do not be afraid of this sacrifice that I have been announcing to you for a long time. It's time for this to happen in you too.
All you have left is Me, who will always love you, and the man with whose heart I guide you. I will not take him away from you, even though you must convey My pain to him.
On this earth, love is fulfilled in pain and exiles are inseparable on this earth.
Your suffering is paid for by what you give and good must come from it.
I take from you what is most difficult.
Love is confirmed by action. And great love requires heroic confirmations - for yourself and for others.
- During today's Holy Mass I saw red on the Host and the Chalice for a moment when they were raised by the priest.
+I showed you the blood on the Host and the Chalice, because soon the blood of the second redemption of the world will flow.
Don't be afraid, even though it will be your blood too.
- For some time now, when I have been celebrating the Stations of the Cross (on Tuesdays and Fridays), the Lord Jesus Himself says at each station: He explains, instructs, comforts, and gives His Love. He is with me, and I am with Him in His pain for the world.
Mon, 17 Apr 89, 8:50am
- There is another attack on Your Word and a new wave of confusion .
+Don't be afraid of accusations, injustice, humiliation. After all, you know that this is the most precious sacrifice you can make for those who are dear to you and for all those who draw life from your dying to yourself.
Do not protect yourself, give yourself whole: including your good name and dignity, so that I can draw everything from you for the holiness of others, for the salvation of many.
I am and I know, and I know the whole truth about you. The truth that is holy and the truth that is your weakness and sin.
And I love you, and I am your life in you. I am yours and you are Mine.
So what is worth what is not Me in you and in others, in those you care for? Care about their holiness, not about the suffering they experience.
What is the value of everything that is not My Kingdom of Love?
Build them, offering everything to Me with love and peace.
Rom 8:2
and probably further to the end of the chapter 8.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Sun, 9 Apr 89, 12:45am
- While meditating on the words: J 21,1-19, the Lord said:
+You see, My child, you must now glorify Me with the martyrdom of your heart.
In these constant attacks on your soul, which I allow, to harden you in faithfulness and trust.
I girded you with My spousal Love and you became a participant in My crucifixion in order to take part in the fullness of My Resurrection.
Do not be afraid, the Work you serve, is mine and I am building it through your offering of heartache too. It is important and that is why I need a lot of prayer and sacrifices, and heroic trust despite the anxieties that I admit. Everything serves the good of My children, who will become the foundation of this Work of Pure Love.
Do not be afraid. Persevere. Serve.
Fulfill My will, which I reveal to you every day.
Do not give up. Persevere. Be with them, as long as I desire it, as long as I give you service tasks. When My appointed time comes, you will leave them.
When it comes - not now.
- The word that I was considering today, is the word of my calling - I received it at the beginning of the journey (March 174, 3, 1985).
John 21:18-19
Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and went wherever you wanted. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and lead you where you do not want to go. He said this to indicate by what death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, "Follow me."
+I call you constantly, and today I reminded you where and where this calling leads.
Tue, April 4, 89, 1:20pm
- Today, while celebrating the Stations of the Cross, at Station XI, the Lord Jesus said:
+I will give you My Wounds when you will accept all the wounds inflicted on you by people as I do: with love and the desire to save them.
- Why does my soul cry when I stand before You in prayer?
+Man must cry when he stands before Me in truth, because in knowing Me he also knows himself.
You would have died of tears if I had not soothed the pain of truth with the sweetness of My love.
Mon, 27 Mar 89, 12:35am
+I create the situation, but the desire is a gift from your heart.
Heaven is built on the purity of the heart's desires. Their strength and perseverance.
Live, desiring and in readiness for fulfillment, even though your weakness is so great and your helplessness is complete.
You have My omnipotence in My will and love, and in your desire to suffer and love, and in your devotion.
By giving yourself to Me, you receive Me. Your desire and trust attract My omnipotence and then miracles happen in your everyday life.
Sun, 19 Mar 89, 7:20pm | Palm Sunday
+One year ago I took you to Jerusalem of My Crucified Love.
You are in it, waiting for the resurrection, and your sacrifice of the crucified heart endures and takes on many different forms.
And it will last until it reaches its fullness, so that I can open to you the gate of the marriage of the Lamb. May your vows be fulfilled in a perpetual wedding feast.
Today you are still waiting, in persistence, in constant choice:
- Do you love Me more than yesterday?
- Do you love Me more and more, choosing My will in smaller and smaller details?
- Are you becoming more and more alert?
- Do you recognize My voice, My breath of Spirit in you, becoming quieter and quieter?
Immerse this torment of choice and uncertainty in the contrition of your heart and give your helplessness and repentance to Mary.
She will accept this gift and it will be an ornament in My house - in Our house, which becomes more and more your house thanks to the gifts you place there.
Luke 12:35-40 |
Readiness for the coming of Christ
Wed, 15 March 89, 7:40am
+Every drop of your blood is spent for My children.
Do not be afraid of what is happening in your soul. This is what dying on the cross for the world looks like.
Learn this in your everyday life.
Tue, 14 III 89, 00:10am
- There is a life-and-death struggle taking place inside me for my life in the Lord.
And I am crushed and crushed into the earth, like dust and ashes.
When will my egocentrism die and the Love of Christ be born?
J 12,23-26 | The Hour of the Son of Man
and J 12:15
+I love you, My child. I have allowed you to experience the pain of My Son's agony. Love Him in this pain. Smile at Him in your heart.
He is waiting for your smile, for the caress of your love.
Forget about yourself - after all, He is crucified in you. Take Him down from this cross with the gentleness of your love. With trust and dependence.
Sun, 26 II 89, 8:45am
• Because in original sin man turned from the childhood of God towards his independence - all the time humanity is given over to its independence and is converted and bearing the consequences of it.
The Father - the entire Holy Trinity - wants to restore childhood: it is the full union of man with God in His will and love.
The entire history of mankind is a gradual restoration of childhood:
repairing what was destroyed in the soul by original sin.
This happens through the increasingly clear manifestation of God's Love and through painful situations resulting from man's independence.
Love is shown and at the same time the effects of separation from God - more and more clearly until the second coming of Jesus.
The Father wants to fully prepare humanity to meet Him.
Make it so that everyone has to decide whether they choose God or themselves without God.
And at the same time, God does everything possible within the limits of the free will that He has given to everyone, in order to save and save everyone.
Jesus Christ is the Love of God, rescuing, saving, and spilling unlimited Mercy. This grace of Mercy applies and covers everyone.
Only those who, of their own free will, do not want to accept it until their death are excluded.
The life of man and the history of humanity is the time given to return to the Father's house. It is a time to return from human independence to God's childhood. From being guided by one's mind and human will to childlike abandonment in the arms of the Father and submission to His will at every moment of life.
The time given to humanity and to every person is given in order to regain God's childhood as a preparation and ability to fully unite in the resurrection of soul and body - to the Assumption.
This path was shown by Jesus Christ in His Resurrection. It was also shown in the Assumption of His Mother, who was a person unencumbered by sin - such as everyone can become after regaining God's childhood.
The restoration of childhood is the last stage of human development towards Love. It is the recovery of the state from before original sin.
This gift, which is now being poured out so widely into the world, is a gift announcing that the Kingdom of God is drawing near - and with it the final purification of humanity and every human soul. Final separation of sheep from goats .
The gift of childhood, is a gift that restores to everyone direct contact with the Father: life in His arms, in His heart. Feeding on His Love, drawing from Him and living in Him like a child living in its mother's womb.
By fully accepting the gift of childhood, man lives the will of God. God directs it directly through His action in the soul and external situations.
Union with God in childlike love is union with God's will, which is revealed and poured into the human heart to be carried by the Holy Trinity to the Heaven of Spousal Love.
Spousal Love is Heaven to which the gate of God's childhood leads. This gate is already open and the gift of childhood is shed by the second outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the whole world - on all flesh.
Everything is already prepared for the cleansing and rebirth of humanity.
And this is the second hour of Christ and the second Pentecost. It is the Resurrection of Pure Love.
It's here!
The sacrifice of Jesus, His agony on the cross, the pain of His Mother - all this - is and takes place in those hearts that have given themselves as a sacrifice for the world, for their brothers, just as Jesus and Mary gave themselves.
There is the Descent of the Holy Spirit and filling with His gifts.
There is guidance from the inner voice in the unification of the will.
There is the Resurrection of Love and there are Apostles of Love, through whom Love heals human nature wounded by the sin of rejecting Love, in order to restore the Purity of the Immaculate.
Everything exists and lasts and matures and waits for the moment of piercing the Heart of Crucified Love so that the world can be saved again.
(This word was dictated by the Archangel Gabriel - the Angel announcing the coming of Christ)
Luke 4,17-21
The book of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. Unfolding the book, he found a place where it was written:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, freedom to prisoners, and recovery of sight to the blind; to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
He rolled up the book and gave it to the servant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. So he began to say to them, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."
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