Fri, 8 1 88, 11:15pm
- I would like to immerse myself in You and lose myself in You completely, but my human limitations do not allow it. It's suffocating. It's narrowness suffocates.
And Your might and Your power, in which I am, attracts me to the point of pain. Everything within me cries and rejoices at the same time, because I am truly yours, and you are mine - Christ - although I am still here.
My Lord, how do I have the courage to write this?
+My Bride, we are one, don't you know that .
- I can no longer have any business, no lectures, no meetings. I only want to be with You and die in Your arms out of love.
+I walked among the crowd and carried My cross. First I carried it, and then I died of love on it. And I embraced the world with my arms.
My arms and the arms of the cross.
Love and pain in this world are one.
Don't choose the suffering that suits you better. I give what is most fruitful. The time will come when you will be only with Me. But that will be later.
- I'm ashamed of what I wrote.
+Don't be embarass. This is a natural reflex of the human heart that loved Me above all else.
For this Love, endure the daily torment of waiting for full union with Me - final and eternal.
- It's a strange time for me.
+The end of time.
Fri, 8 I 88, 8:45am
- You place such gifts in my scattered heart and weak hands. Treasures of infinite value in a clay vessel: rough and fragile.
Who would have thought this was possible?
+ Everything is possible in My gift of Myself - to you, My children.
I can transform a clay vessel into a golden cup, just as I transform bread into My Body and wine into My Blood.
And I can transform you into a pure Host and offer you to the Father on My Altar of Love so that many may regain life.
And I will do it if you still desire. Indeed, I will do it soon.
1 J 1:1-4
We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard about the Word of life, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands - for life has been manifested.
We have seen it, we testify about it, and we proclaim to you eternal life, which was in the Father and was revealed to us; we declare to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And to have fellowship with us means: to have it with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.
We write this so that our joy may be complete.
Thu, 7 1 88, 11:50pm
- It's so good to be with you when my heart burns and your touch rests on my hands. When everything is filled with Your power of Love, Your infinity.
+You are a witness of My Love that I want to give to everyone.
In every vocation you can receive the fullness of My gift of love and experience union with Me.
What you write, is testimony to this.
I desire that in the next age, My Love will ignite the hearts of all My children: in every condition and on the path of every vocation. Every vocation comes from Me and leads to Me and My open heart awaits everywhere.
I want love from everyone and I want to give it to everyone.
I desire love and faithfulness and obedience to My will.
I want what is best for My children. What will give them perfect, complete happiness. I want your purity of heart - the purity that the first people had before the sin of disobedience.
My Love leads to this: it gives you gifts and supports you.
I have given you the way of childlike love and devotion to your God as medicine for your souls.
I have given you the way to return to your infantile nature as a cure for your nature.
I want to restore the lost purity of heart to you, My beloved children. Open your hearts to My gifts of Love. Each of you is called to live in the fullness of Love.
Thu, 7 1 88, 11:30am
- I give you my incompetence, my ugliness and narrowness of heart.
+ I love you just the way you are. I give you gifts to brighten, transform, beautify.
You don't have to have a complex towards me or anyone. There must be desire sanctification. I am still doing it in you and there is no darkness in your heart.
- I see a lot of dirt there.
+I have purified your soul's vision and filled it with My sensitivity. That's why you see every speck, every shadow. Give it to me so that I can transform it too.
Don't forget that you are human and you have to bear the cross of your own imperfections. But I carry it together with you. Don't be afraid to surrender and throw this burden on Me. I want to take it off you - take it off every day to make you free and joyful. And I want to lift you up, to lift you up, to hold you closer to My heart.
-Your hands are mutilated...
+Yours too. And that's what unites us. And the Father's Love flows through me to you.
Through My hands - precisely because they are mutilated.
Accept it and don't think you are unworthy. I give you My dignity and you have it from Me, My bride. After all, we are One.
- I cannot accept Your gifts. I bend under their greatness.
At times I feel like I should die from their glow.
+You live in Me and you will live on earth as long as I desire it for you. For your love to grow in Me until it reaches fullness.
Then you will come to take the place that awaits you in the Father's house.
I am waiting until your life becomes one continuous act of adoration - losing yourself in Love - then I will take you, because your body will not be able to bear anything anymore.
- Why am I writing all this?
+To bear witness to the Truth that living in the world you can love to the end and become One with Me.
- At three o'clock in the afternoon I came to Your vineyard...
+ ...and you will get the full payment. I told you that when I came for you.
Ps 117:1-2
Hallelujah. Praise the Lord, all you nations, praise Him, all you peoples, for His mercy is great towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
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