Wed, 16 Nov 88, 8:45am
+I will give you My Wounds and it will be a sign of how much I give to those who love Me.
Do not be afraid, My child - for everything there will be a time and the right condition of your soul.
Ask My Mother to make you more like Herself. That She may prepare for Me an apartment decorated with love and strewn with Her tenderness.
Ask your Angel to keep watch on the threshold of My house in your soul.
Ask your patrons to adore Me there constantly, because heaven is bending over your poverty to transform it into the wealth of your Spouse.
Do not fear My Majesty, bride of God. Continue in prayer - let My blessing fall upon you and let My Love burn within you.
1 Cor 5:7
Therefore put out the old leaven, that you may become a new dough, because you are unleavened. For Christ was sacrificed as our Passover.
Sun, 13 Nov 88, 12:30am
- The words that the Lord recently gave in comparison with what I know about myself: about my primitivism in relating to Him and to people...
I only have one prayer left:
O my Jesus, of Forgiveness and Mercy, through the merits of Your Holy Wounds.
...and His answer in the Words of Scripture which He gave me:
Lk l,46b-48a | Ma g n if ic a t
...My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For he has considered the lowliness of his handmaid.
Thu, 10 Nov 88, 10:50am
+ I want you to be characterized by inner modesty, silence, and gentleness in contact with Me living in you and in other people.
I want your soul to be as soft as silk, so that I can find rest in it and solace for My wounds that others inflict on Me.
Let me be comforted by the delicacy and tenderness of your soul and the silence filled with gentleness, purity of desires and intentions.
My Mother will do all this in you: She will share with you Her pure, loving heart woven from the most beautiful yarn of love, purity and faithfulness.
Entrust your interior to Her, so that it can be a place of rest for Me and that it will be a heaven that soothes the suffering inflicted on Me by the world.
Let your soul be My royal chamber, so that nothing will offend Me and everything will ease My already too great pain.
Lean over me as I rest, like a mother over a child sleeping in a cradle, and whisper words of love, sing psalms, and wrap me tenderly in your faithfulness.
Do this and be like this towards everyone in whom I come to you and towards Me when we are alone.
I want to recognize My Mother in you and experience Her tender love in your soul.
My Mother will teach you, prepare you - don't be afraid - She will do everything just as She did when I was little in Her arms.
Place your heart in Her gentle hands. Surrender yourself to Her caring kindness, Her care and Her beauty.
Mt 21:16c
From the mouths of babes and sucklings you have prepared for yourself glory.
Tue, 25 Oct 88, 10:45am
+Be ready, My child. Great penance is needed for everything that hurts Me and for all those who scourge Me.
I have chosen you and I desire a total sacrifice from you. I will make your every day and guide you through it.
Do not be afraid. Only you, like a Cyranean, will help carry My cross.
Do not be afraid, My bride - we are together in pain and love.
Love everything that comes to you and accept with love every thorn of humiliation, hardship, suffering - these are thorns from My Crown, which the loving Father gave Me.
Bow down in your heart and kiss with gratitude everyone who drives these thorns into your heart.
My loving hand guides them so that your calling may be fulfilled in the pain caused by the world to which you do not belong, and in My love, because it is your home and daily food.
Desire that everything I have for you be fulfilled, so that you become the one I am longing for in My home.
I want to call you now, but I need you to bring Me the fruits of your sacrifice and so that you can take the place that is waiting for you in My chamber.
1 P 4:12-14
Beloved! Do not marvel at this burning fire that dwells within you for your testing, as if something extraordinary were happening to you, but rejoice as you share in Christ's sufferings, so that you may rejoice and rejoice when His glory is revealed. Blessed are you if people revile you because of the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God, rests on you.
Tue, 18 X 88, 10:15am
+My daughter, do not be afraid and be brave in carrying out My will.
Say that a new era is coming in which the Holy Spirit will directly guide the hearts of My children, and Mary will care and watch over them in the great closeness of their hearts.
Do not be afraid, for I have announced to you the things that are to come and I have revealed My plan to heal My Church.
The paths of spiritual development and worship so far have been good for the years that are now coming to an end.
The paths and cult defined by people obedient to My will were adapted to the time of stability, to the time of peace and normal life for My people.
They have become encrusted in their patterns and have become only a form covering the huge emptiness and betrayal of God. And they are, as in the times of My Son, a whited tomb of faith and life with the Father every day.
The moment is approaching to destroy the shell that protects the living hearts of My children.
I want hearts that are alive, ardent, pulsating with love and devotion to the Father who is Love and Life.
That is why I am preparing My children for a living faith. That's why I teach how to live with Me at every moment and everywhere.
The world is Mine, although desecrated by the Satan of pride and vanity.
I desire the holiness of life in the world in union with My will and love.
• Just as a baby cannot live without its mother, My children should not desire anything apart from Me and My will.
I do not want ceremony and turning to Me with lips .
I don't want your human initiatives and actions.
I do not want your self-invented mortifications for Me.
I want your love and submission to My will.
Only such faith and coexistence with Me will save you in the days of destruction and purification.
I teach you spontaneity, life of faith, worshiping Me in spirit and in truth in the conditions and situations of your everyday life.
I want to prepare you to cling to Me and remain faithful to Me in the days when the sky will burn and the earth will be destroyed.
I want you to be able to love Me and trust Me when My temples will fall to ruins and My priests will scatter.
I want you to be able to accept all oppression and suffering for My Love and to remain faithful in prayer, and for the Eucharistic Sacrifice of My Son to be offered in your hearts.
I have called My most faithful and docile children to be priests of the spirit for the most difficult time that awaits humanity.
And I desire that through them My Love will save and heal the world.
So that it may be poured out in the hearts of My children.
Fear not, you who desire to be My light in the days of darkness.
Do not be afraid, but trust and allow me to be salvation in you and through you for the souls who are afraid, lost, helpless, when new life will be born in the pain of dying of what once was, what is already falling.
Do not be afraid, My daughter, to convey these Words, do not be afraid to speak about what I have made known to you.
Don't be afraid - after all, you are Mine and nothing will happen without My will.
Peace be with you, My child. Continue in faith and love. And wait with hope for the coming of my Son, who is your Spouse.
Luke 21,5-36 | Speech about the destruction of Jerusalem and the coming of Christ
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