Wed, June 21, 89, 11:30pm
- Today, at the meeting of the home group I lead, intercessory prayer with the laying on of hands was prayed over me.
The Lord gave the Word (from the High Priestly Prayer of Christ):
J 17,6-19
Suplication for the Disciples
I have revealed Your name to the people whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they kept Your word. Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. For the words which you entrusted to me I delivered to them, and they received them and truly knew that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. (7-8) ... And for them I consecrate Myself, so that they too may be sanctified in truth. (19)
The end.
Sun, 18 Jun 89, 11:25pm
- There is testimony, but am I a witness?
+You will be her.
Luke 3,15-18
| Testimony of John on the Messiah
You will end your testimony with the words that I have given you:
Jer 36:18b
He dictated all these words to me with his own mouth, and I wrote them down in a book with ink.
Sat, 17 Jun 89, 10:45am
- I finished copying the Testimony yesterday and I should finally hand it over.
I am like a husk from which fruit has been peeled. What else am I here for?
I should leave in a way that would be a consequence of what is written there.
Do something with me, Jesus...
+I have sealed your heart and it will remain silent before the world.
I immerse you in the silence of My Heart.
Why do you care what's outside?
- I want my body to suffer suffering proportional to what was happening in my soul and for my sacrifice for Pure Love to be fulfilled.
+It is no longer yours.
But there will come a time for that too. Surrender to time and My will.
You are given, like me, to love and serve.
Cor 2:2
For I determined to know nothing among you, except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
+In these words I have included a program for your next days.
But also write down what is written next and rejoice in this and in My children whom I entrust to your heart.
1 Cor 2:9b
...no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human heart has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.
+Rejoice, My child, with My joy of Resurrection; it is greater than all the pain of the victim.
Thu, June 1, 89, 5:10am
- So I stood again in front of the glass mountain of the first commandment - only now much closer and with a feeling of complete powerlessness to climb it.
Powerlessness, helplessness - this is my nothingness, a huge space of nothingness and emptiness, its abyss, on the edge of which I am . I cling to the edge of my human possibilities, my egocentrism, my "I", although in the depths of this emptiness and nothingness there is Him - like the sun, like millions of suns of the cosmos: Fire and Light.
Oh God, make me finally let go of myself. So that, free from myself, I could throw myself into the immensity of You.
I know your hand will do it. That You, Lord, will take me off this edge and immerse me in Yourself through my nothingness, so that I can see that the Fire of Your existence in me is infinite, consuming, that in Him there is my nothing and my Everything. That in Him there is Life, which is You.
-Who are you, Christ?
+ I am the Hand of the Father that takes you off this edge of yourself.
This happens thanks to your consent, in the time given to you.
- What about the realities of life?
+They are the means that bring you closer to My open Hand.
Until My Hand lifts you free to live in Me for eternity.
- What is the return to Nazareth?
+Return to the realities of your everyday life to mature there to meet the fullness of the Promise.
There it will become unnoticeable to you.
And be humble enough to accept it. To accept over time.
Until I come. Amen.
- This is the beginning of my second conversion:
In the first one, I saw the Lord and His Love and I wanted to do something for Him and others.
In the second one, I saw my own nothingness and the literalness of His words: "Without Me you can do nothing".
And here begins childlike devotion and unity with Him to love. He will do the rest.
Wed, 31 May 1989, 9:40am
| Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- For several days now, I have been preparing for confession and a deeper analysis of the state of my soul.
The Lord showed me the fog of my soul caused by too weak adesire to love people in everyday situations.
And the lack of love is the lack of God. It is a flaw in loving the Lord.
And a conclusion emerged: To live the commandment of love in its literal wording. The rest is a result of the quality of this life.
Luke 2:39-40 | Return to Nazareth
And when they had fulfilled everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth.
And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God rested on him.
Sun, 28 V 89, 1:35am
+Your life and your death are a sacrifice for rebirth Pure Love.
If you give yourself to Me for someone, he will receive Me: God who is Love.
Can there be a more perfect gift of loving with pure love and, at the same time, the gift of healing the wounds inflicted by Love in the human heart?
Love, like me, I am the model of love. Learn true love from Love.
Sat, 27 May 89, 4:30pm
+ My child, remember that I gave you a spiritual father who directs your steps and watches over your heart.
Even though I lead you alone, he protects your legs from wrong steps, your hands from wrong movements, and your heart from illusions and mistakes.
Your testimony would not be complete if I did not add that regardless of the multitude of graces that I can pour out on My child, it is necessary that they be confirmed by the man to whom I gave power over its soul.
I have shared with people the authority over souls and in unity with Me and by My will they are to exercise this office, because I do not agree to anyone deciding and testifying about themselves.
I have appointed My intermediaries and I have not withdrawn them even in situations where I directly direct the soul of My child.
Be faithful and submissive to the one who, by My will, is your conscience director, because through his mouth and heart I speak to you.
Tit 3:1
Remind them that they should submit to the higher authorities, obey them and be ready to do every good deed...
Fri 19 May 89, 11pm
+ I accepted you into the Jerusalem of My Heart so that you could offer your sacrifice of love there. In it you will be crucified to resurrect to eternal glory in Me, your Spouse.
Your love is not madness - it is what saves, and that is why it hurts.
You carry my pain within you and My heaven for many.
Accept the Mystery of the Passion of the Lord, which lasts, so that it may remain in you, as a gift to the world.
My sacrifice is fulfilled in you and is the joy of the Father and of all Heaven.
I desire, for My joy to be in you, and for your joy to be complete.
Don't blame yourself for not being able to find joy in the world and people. It is not there for you. Your joy is in Me - in My pain and My love.
2 Thessalonians 3:16
And may the Lord of peace himself give you peace always and in every way. The Lord be with you all!
Sat, 6 May 89, 11am
+Do you want to go deeper into My suffering?
- I want to go as deep as possible.
+You will follow My crucifixion of the heart in the world. And at the same time, in peace and joy in Me.
Thu, 4 May 89, 11:45 pm
| In the Lord's heaven
+My Child, immerse everything in My Love and be silent. You are hidden in My Wounds and there I wash you constantly with My Blood.
If I allow the pain of accusations and insults, then know that you are receiving part of the insults that were thrown at Me.
I have fused your life into My Wounds and they bleed in your heart.
It is a time of confusion and it will increase until I come to bring victory to My children who will stand by Me.
Fulfill everything that belongs to you, what My will, contained in your calling, dictates to you.
Leave great matters and difficult decisions to Me, because these do not belong to the child hidden in the Father.
Trust and love - this is your duty and only concern.
Love will conquer everything, because Love is Me. No one will take Me from you, although they will slander you to separate you from those with whom I have united you.